James Delingpole "gets it" [2]:
“Environmentalism” is but one strategically significant theatre in a much greater ideological war being waged across the world. It’s the same one Toby Young is fighting over education; the same one the likes of Rod Liddle, Andrew Gilligan, Nick Cohen and Mark Steyn are fighting over political Islam; the same one Melanie Phillips is fighting over Israel; the same one Douglas Murray is fighting on pretty much everything. And its ultimate outcome is at least as important as those of the ones we fought in 1914-1918 and 1939-1945. At stake is exactly the same thing the Greek alliance fought for when Western Civilisation was born at Salamis in 480 BC; the same thing we citizens of the West have been fighting for ever since: the right to forge our own destinies as free men and women, rather than remain infantilised, oppressed and enslaved as vassals of a tyrant state.
Sure there’s no comparison (well not that much) between Obama’s US and Stalin’s Soviet Union; Coalition Britain and Mao’s China; Julia Gillard’s Australia and Queen Ranavalona’s Madagascar; sure the war we’re currently fighting doesn’t involve mass destruction like that of World Wars I and II. But it’s precisely because the ideological struggle we’re currently engaged in is so seemingly democratic and innocuous that it is in fact so dangerous. With Hitler and Stalin it was easy: the enemy was plain in view. Today’s encroaching tyranny is an of altogether more subtle, slippery variety. It takes the form of the steady “engrenage” – ratcheting – of EU legislation; of the stealthy removal of property rights and personal liberty under the UN’s Agenda 21; of the eco-legislation created by democratically unaccountable bodies like America’s Environmental Protection Agency; of the stealthy encroachment of the Big Government into the most intimate recesses of our daily lives – not just under barely disguised socialist administrations like Obama’s even under notionally “Centre right” ones such as Cameron’s or Sarkozy’s. When the Enemy is as sly and insidious as that, it’s much much harder for the increasingly oppressed populace to rouse itself to the appropriate state of alarm and rebellion.
Read the full article on telegraph.co.uk [2].
[1] http://peacelegacy.org/user/5
[2] http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/jamesdelingpole/100061751/only-the-tea-party-can-save-us-now/
[3] http://www.addtoany.com/share_save?linkurl=http%3A%2F%2Fpeacelegacy.org%2Farticles%2Fevil-ideologies-delingpole-speaks-out&linkname=Evil%20ideologies%20-%20Delingpole%20speaks%20out
[4] http://peacelegacy.org/category/topics/corruption
[5] http://peacelegacy.org/category/topics/false-religion
[6] http://peacelegacy.org/category/topics/ideology
[7] http://peacelegacy.org/category/topics/oppression
[8] http://peacelegacy.org/category/topics/society
[9] http://peacelegacy.org/category/locality/united-kingdom