The Australian tells us "ENVIRONMENTALIST and former Australian of the Year Tim Flannery has been appointed to a newly-created position as Australia's climate commissioner."
Unlike many who disagree with the global warming hoax, I do have respect for Tim Flannery. That doesn't mean that on "climate change" he isn't dead wrong. After a month of weather devastation in which everything that was predicted by the warmists about Australia's future climate was directly contradicted by actual events, one would have imagined the government would spend our money on helping the victims rather than appointing a brand new useless committee.
We were told Queensland would dry up - then we have all dams full and water everywhere, a hugely expensive desalination plant mothballed the day it was completed, and a Brisbane flood that could have been avoided if the Wivenhoe Dam had been opened and closed at the right times. Real people are not omniscient though, and I doubt anyone is therefore "to blame". But did the fear of perpetual drought, as predicted by the warmists, mislead the operators into conserving as much water as they could at the start of the season instead of letting it out as fast as possible as soon as it hit 100%? (For those not in the know, 100% on this dam means 100% of its water storage for human uses, but the dam has another 140% capacity for holding back flood water to ease floods downstream.)
But back to The Australian's article. There were 42 comments - 38 denouncing the government move in various tones from disgust to anger, 2 that supported it, and 2 that seemed to be in irony but probably just 2 more to add to the 38.
So real Australians, meaning real living people who actually have to find a way to have a livable life on a normal person's wages, are just as much opposed to their government's crass pandering to the operators of this hoax as are UK commenters responding to Delingpole's British articles in The Telegraph. People everywhere can see right through it. Just how stupid do our governments think they can be?
And please, Tim, do some independent study for yourself. You have been an independent thinker in the past and you can do it again. Start by looking up "atmospheric hotspot" - predicted by the theory, not present, therefore theory disproved. That's how real science works: prediction, test, prediction fails, so theory wrong.

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