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Kensho: A Modern Awakening

book coverKENSHO: A Modern Awakening is a one-of-a kind collection of stories, inspiration and insightful information from profound people living seemingly ordinary lives – who are changing the world in extraordinary ways!

 If the negative news that pervades our daily lives makes you feel untethered and cast adrift, the message of KENSHO will help you gain the perspective to get back on track and to see the world in a renewed light. 

At the heart of KENSHO you’ll discover:

 ~ a deep, intimate sense of where we are headed as a global society


Hearing The Dalai Lama

On Friday we had the great privilege of hearing the Dalai Lama at his Brisbane audience. Human beings whose goodness goes all the way through are a rarity, and when you see the real thing, the difference is striking. The event started comically, with the Dalai Lama sitting with the Mayor of Ipswich and an ABC interviewer, who had probably never had their hands held in public before!

I wanted to mention just a few incidents from his answers to audience questions, first an important practical one, then an insightful emotional one.