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Was this data manipulated?

Wattsupwiththat brings us the story of the curving line. Just when the Arctic ice seemed about to break through the long-term average, it made a sudden downturn. Anthony Watts' reader Anthony Scalzi prepared this animation:

The shape of the curve for each day actually changes (goes lower) on the subsequent day. As someone with expertise in computer science, I cannot see any way this can be an outcome of an automated algorithm of any reasonable design. To make the shape clear, I interspersed the four days' images with an image showing all four shapes:

environmental madness kills

Here's a wind farm striking down a bird. The global warming panic has people erecting murder machines without regard for the welfare of animals. And the tragedy is it's all pointless because CO2 is plant food and a boon for the planet, for humanity trying to feed itself, and for wildlife.