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TypePostAuthorRepliesLast updated
StoryHow to see for yourself the 'Global Warming' climate models are false Ron House214 years 28 weeks ago
StorySame-sex marriage: What happened to "Best interests of the children"? Ron House06 years 48 weeks ago
StoryOpen letter to Jay Weatherill on the obscene evil of solar thermal power Ron House06 years 48 weeks ago
StoryVale Bill Leak Ron House07 years 19 weeks ago
StoryGreat comment on human rights (by a G) Ron House17 years 28 weeks ago
StoryMy submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights Ron House07 years 32 weeks ago
StoryDroughts, floods, what's the difference? Ron House167 years 39 weeks ago
StoryAnother failing prediction of doom Ron House307 years 43 weeks ago
StoryAnother shameless betrayal of science - this time at University College, London Ron House107 years 45 weeks ago
StoryCultural sensitivity training promotes distrust of Islam Ron House18 years 6 weeks ago
StoryThe science BS meter. Ron House18 years 21 weeks ago
StoryYou voted against a carbon tax, so Turnbull gives you something even worse! Ron House08 years 32 weeks ago
PageHow to download Australia Bureau of Meteorology temperature data (easily) Ron House08 years 36 weeks ago
StoryKiribati President blames Australians for not knowing climate change science - but doesn't know it himself! Ron House18 years 43 weeks ago
StoryDr Willie Soon slandered by the Smithsonian (and others); public letter in support released. Ron House18 years 52 weeks ago
StoryAustralian Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) obstructing access to raw data Ron House29 years 1 week ago
StoryNOAA's is just as bad as Australia's Bureau of Meteorology Ron House09 years 2 weeks ago
StoryClimate drivel from the heads of the EPA Ron House19 years 5 weeks ago
StoryPosted on Scott Adams' Blog Ron House29 years 14 weeks ago
StoryCatalyst catastrophe Ron House29 years 15 weeks ago
StoryReal Science Debates Are Not Rare Ron House29 years 29 weeks ago
StoryIn Defence of Dr Tim Ball Ron House29 years 31 weeks ago
StoryI've just been rude to some very 'nice' people Ron House09 years 43 weeks ago
StorySo you still take "climate scientists" seriously? Ron House49 years 49 weeks ago
StoryEvil stalks the land Ron House09 years 50 weeks ago