This site is devoted to finding solutions that are in agreement with the Principle of Goodness: Don't deliberately harm any innocent, and always try to benefit everyone. Anything that helps clarify issues or advances the argument whilst bearing this in mind is acceptable; for example:
- proposals, ideas, questions etc. that address any issue in a way consistent with the Principle of Goodness;
- any attempt to uncover relevant truth or facts;
- exploring consequences of ideas;
- discussion of the Principle itself, including criticism of it, provided criticism advances the discussion with reasons or argument.
Posts that will not be permitted include:
- irrelevancies - things completely off-topic;
- defamation, insults, abusive language, etc.
- material that dilutes the value of the discussion by not providing reasons; for example, "me too" posts, "that's silly but I'm not saying why" posts etc.
- advertising and using posts as excuses for inserting links to material that is not relevant to the discussion.

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