This is one of the most disgraceful alarmist smears ever. In brief, the Smithsonian signed contracts obligating its researchers to not disclose certain funding arrangements. Dr Soon, as he had to, did what he was told. Then the smears started: Dr Soon was improperly hiding funding. Instead of explaining the fact that the Smithsonian was the cause of the hiding, they agreed to "Investigate" Dr Soon - thereby making it look as if Dr Soon had, or possibly had, done something wrong - when they knew all along that what he did, he did only in obediance to their direct orders!
Why is it that no matter what aspect of the climate alarmist movement you look into, you find lies, distortions, character assassinations, and smears? Never, simply never, is there any, oh, what might we want? How about some scientific evidence!
Lord Christopher Monckton, Professor David Legates, and Dr. Matt Briggs have organised an open letter to the Smithsonian, which 500 scientists, including myself, signed. See it here:

Re: Dr Willie Soon slandered by the Smithsonian (and ...
yes i think Dr. Willie cant be fully charged, the circumstances made him do all that, as he did anyone could have done in his position! may the petition work and Dr. soon get some relief!