From the carbon sense coalition - couldn't have said it better:
This generation of pampered westerners is the first tribe in the history of the world that seems determined to destroy its ability to produce food.
The history of the human race has always been a battle for protein in the face of the continual challenge of natural climate change. Nothing has changed for this generation, except the wildfire spread of a destructive new religion that requires the sacrifice of food producers on a global warming altar.
Food creation needs solar energy, land, carbon dioxide and water. All four food resources are under threat.
Eons ago, long before ancient humans learned to use the magic warmth locked in coal, millions of woolly mammoths were snap frozen in the icy wastes of Siberia. They are still being dug out of the ice today.
That means, of course, it was warmer just before the mammoths were frozen than it is today. How fast the weather can cool if conditions are right! As I showed before, we are overdue for the next ice age.
Carbon dioxide is the breath of life for all food production. Imagine the stupidity of trying to capture this harmless will-o-the-wisp in order to bury it in carbon cemeteries. Luckily for our food capacity, this suicidal policy of carbon capture and burial is unlikely to succeed.
Land sterilisation is also occurring via the stealth of Wild Rivers, World Heritage and other lock-away-land policies.
Here's where we run into problems. There is an "on the other hand" to this argument, and that is that humans have undeniably wrecked many ecosystems and done great damage to wildlife. But the fanatics have coopted people's valid concerns for these issues and gained control of nearly every environmental body or party or group on the planet: WWF, Greenpeace, to name just two big ones. This site is founded on the ethical philosophy called the Principle of Goodness: try to benefit everyone, and never deliberately harm even one innocent one. That includes animals too. When an overarching ideology takes possession of people's minds, they tend to ignore the advice of this philosophy, which was taught by Jesus, Buddha, Gandhi, and pretty much every other great teacher throughout history. This principle provides an inner 'check' that each one of us can use to find the right point to stop advocating an ideology and to recognise its limits. Voluntarily refusing to take over every square inch of planet Earth for a single species (us) is wise and moral; using the need for wild areas as an excuse to harm people isn't. It's not a computer program, each of us has to decide where the boundary lies - but that's why it is called an ethic!
Even more food producing land is lost by policies that subsidise people to grow carbon forests in the stupid belief that this will somehow improve the climate by removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Trees, grasses, sub-soil critters, grazing animals and carnivores are all part of the same carbon cycle. If one life form gets to monopolise land and carbon resources, it is detrimental to other life. ...
When natural climate change in the Northern Hemisphere is combined with political climate change in our southern food baskets, the real crisis creeping up on the world is not global warming caused by industry, but global famine caused by politicians.
Predictions of a new dark age are coming faster now, and we are entering one of the critical times, like the end of the Roman Empire or the challenge to humanity from Nazism in the 1930s. Politicians have to wake up that they cannot any longer allow themselves to follow 'business as usual' practices and let their votes on legislation be guided by the most moneyed campaign contributors, or even by predicted popularity. This is a time when losing the election for the right reason is better than winning for the wrong one - it is even a moral necessity.

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