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Dr Willie Soon slandered by the Smithsonian (and others); public letter in support released.

This is one of the most disgraceful alarmist smears ever. In brief, the Smithsonian signed contracts obligating its researchers to not disclose certain funding arrangements. Dr Soon, as he had to, did what he was told. Then the smears started: Dr Soon was improperly hiding funding. Instead of explaining the fact that the Smithsonian was the cause of the hiding, they agreed to "Investigate" Dr Soon - thereby making it look as if Dr Soon had, or possibly had, done something wrong - when they knew all along that what he did, he did only in obediance to their direct orders!

NOAA's is just as bad as Australia's Bureau of Meteorology

NOAA's PR effort is designed to deceive us, but it would be nice if they would at least try to do so by twisting the truth, rather than tell outright porkies. On the page under "What is the 'greenhouse effect'?" we find this audacious display of dishonesty:

While it's not a perfect analogy, some say the atmosphere works like a greenhouse. The sun's rays (shortwave energy) enter a greenhouse through its glass ceiling and walls to warm the interior. The glass makes it hard for the heat (longwave energy) to escape, and heat builds up inside the greenhouse until the heat can escape fast enough.

Certain naturally occurring gases in Earth's atmosphere have a similar warming effect on the surface. This warming is referred to as the "greenhouse effect," and the gases that trap heat are called "greenhouse gases." The most important greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere are water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, and ozone. Earth's surface must warm to an average of about 59°F (with present-day concentrations) until enough energy can be emitted by greenhouse gases and escape to space to balance the energy being absorbed from the Sun.

Though these important greenhouse gases occur naturally in the atmosphere in varying concentrations, human activities are directly and indirectly increasing their abundance. In addition, other greenhouse gases not normally found in nature are being added to the atmosphere. The net result is to intensify Earth's greenhouse effect, causing Earth's surface to warm.

Let's pull it apart in detail: